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3Plex project

“What happens if you give exactly the same assignment to a visual artist, a designer, and an architect? And what happens when they all get the same material, the same tools and as much time and as much space for the realization of that assignment? And what happens if they have to build on each other’s creations? In three shifts, September, October and November 2005” (text: 3Plex)

shift 1
– WAACS Design & Consultancy
– Suchan Kinoshita
– Theo Deutinger

shift 2
– Marc Müller
– Onix
– Huting & De Hoop

shift 3
– Claus en Kaan Architects
– Maarten Baas
– Kie Ellens


Huting & De Hoop made a bar where the bartender is replaced by a movable fridge, this creates more interaction between the people at the bar.